Corporate Responsibility
Its a serious business
LinkLife Ltd is a permanent & contract staffing recruitment company commitment to the highest levels of integrity and to operating in an open and ethical way. Evidence of this can be found not only in how we treat our candidates, our clients and our own team, but also in our strong corporate social responsibility (CSR) policies.
Across all of our offices and all areas of our operation, we strive to support worthwhile causes, to give back to local communities and to minimise the environmental impact of our activities.
How we do it.
Like all progressive businesses, LinkLife Ltd continues to seek new and innovative ways of reducing our environmental impact and of operating in more sustainable ways. Robust and regularly reviewed environmental management standards ensure we aim to:
Minimise our carbon footprint. Wherever possible, all members of the LinkLife's team are encouraged to use public transport or to car share whenever attending meetings or traveling to and from their place of work.
We also train our staff in the importance of minimising excessive or extravagant lighting or heating usage and endeavour to use local suppliers to minimise the ‘product miles’ of any product or service we employ.
Reduce, reuse, recycle. LinkLife Ltd subscribes to the waste hierarchy of reduce, reuse, recycle. As part of this and in order to minimise our waste stream contribution, all our offices aim to be as paper free as possible, utilising technology instead.
To conserve energy and raw material consumption, we are also committed to using recycled products wherever feasible whilst we recycle as much of our paper, plastic, electronic and other waste as possible in a bid to help reduce waste to landfill.
Ultimately, in a world where clients, their customers and their stakeholders are all looking for increasing social and environmental accountability, we offer the reassurance of being a partner that takes its CSR commitments seriously.